Forums -> Game Bugs and Site Issues -> I can't make maps
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weeNerlvl 78

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Joined: 4/11/2011
Posted: 9/10/2016 4:10:10 PM

when I save and quit the button goes gray and just stays that way.

when I save and play I can play.

If I leave the map editor and return my map is gone. All the other settings are still there but the map is blank.
lordcrumblvl 100

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Posted: 9/11/2016 4:04:54 AM

oh, never happened to me, and i make maps quite often.
Sparticuslvl 19
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Posted: 9/13/2016 2:13:11 PM

Very odd. I just tried and it worked for me. Is it still happening?
weeNerlvl 78

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Posted: 9/19/2016 9:41:51 PM

ya, still can't.

Basically the map isn't saving.

I draw it. Save and quit. Come back and the map is blank.
Sparticuslvl 19
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Posted: 9/21/2016 8:56:19 AM

Just before you click save, press the keys "Control-Shift and the letter J" together. It will bring up the developer console.

There should be a ta at the top that says console. Click on that.

Now click Save to save your map... do any errors get written to the console?
weeNerlvl 78

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Posted: 10/16/2016 5:17:52 PM   (Edited: 10/16/2016 5:35:14 PM)


Hmm, might be my ad, flash or poper blocker. Lemme see.

Turned off ad, popup and flash blockers

Woo it worked!

Sparticuslvl 19
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Posted: 10/18/2016 7:21:43 PM

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